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Generating ASCII Art <(o.o)>

Created: January 11, 2022; Modified: January 11, 2022

Table of Contents

- Text to ASCII art
- ASCII diagrams
- Text images
- Recording terminal as ASCII

Text to ASCII art

http://patorjk.com/software/taag/ is a very simple yet powerful tool to generate ASCII arts from texts. It generates ASCII arts made from individual letter characters.

       ____  _          __    __        
 ___ _/ / /_(_)__  ___ / /___/ /__ _  __
/ _ `/ / __/ / _ \/ -_) // _  / -_) |/ /

ASCII diagrams

ASCIIFlow is a free and open source tool to draw diagrams as ASCII art. The source code is in https://github.com/lewish/asciiflow.

+-------------+              +-------------+
|             |              |             |
|             |              |             |
|    A box    |<-------------| Another box |
|             |              |             |
|             |              |             |
+-------------+              +-------------+

Text images

https://www.text-image.com/convert/ generates HTML and ASCII images.

Recording terminal as ASCII

asciinema is a free and open source tool for recording terminal sessions as text. The text in a video which is recorded using asciinema can be copied. The source code is in https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema.

If you have any questions or comment, send me an email:

  __           _ _     ____          _ _   _            _      _            
 / _| __ _ ___(_) |   / __ \    __ _| | |_(_)_ __   ___| |  __| | _____   __
| |_ / _' |_  / | |  / / _' |  / _' | | __| | '_ \ / _ \ | / _' |/ _ \ \ / /
|  _| (_| |/ /| | | | | (_| | | (_| | | |_| | | | |  __/ || (_| |  __/\ V / 
|_|  \__,_/___|_|_|  \ \__,_|  \__,_|_|\__|_|_| |_|\___|_(_)__,_|\___| \_/  